Skincare for a radiant glow

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Skincare for a radiant glow

Naturally beautiful glow - here's how!
The best facial care from organic and natural skincare for healthy, radiant skin, good for the environment and you! With an area of ​​one and a half to two square meters, the skin is the largest sensory organ in the human body. It makes up around a sixth of our body weight, we breathe through it and it protects us. The skin is not only an extremely extensive organ, but also a very delicate one that also absorbs and eliminates stress and toxins that are in our body. That's why all products and substances that come into contact with our skin should be carefully checked for their contents. If you use natural cosmetics, you don't have to worry. The ingredients of natural cosmetic products are based on raw materials from nature's treasure trove. They help maintain the health of the skin at every age instead of putting unnecessary strain on it. But the range of cosmetic products that are based on the trend towards naturalness is now almost unmanageably large. Even conventional cosmetics are now often referred to as natural cosmetics if only a few drops of plant extracts or vegetable oils are added to the chemical base.

“Controlled natural cosmetics”, on the other hand, is based on a holistic approach: the origin and selection of the raw materials used are from controlled organic cultivation wherever possible, gentle processing, consistent compliance with the ban on animal testing in the development and manufacture of the products, environmentally friendly packaging as well as the relationships between the people involved Each other and nature are the focus here. This makes “Organic Skincare” much more than a short-lived trend. It offers you healthy, innovative and holistic care to beautify, vitalize, relax and refresh your body.

As mentioned above, the skin is our largest organ and our facial skin is particularly sensitive and needs to be protected, which is why high-quality care, ideally through purely natural cosmetics, is essential. Our demands on care are just as individual as our needs. We will help you find the right cream, example the perfect cleansing method or the right toner example. Feel free to write to us or call us - we also offer one-to-one sessions on a ZOOM basis. Together we can look at your cosmetics range and think about what is missing or what is perhaps even too much.

Before care is after care - and in between there is optimal cleaning. Here too, it is important to pay attention to the form of facial cleansing. Because sensitive skin needs gentler cleansing, for example than impure combination skin, which is often prone to blockages. With the help of regular facial peelings, loose skin cells are removed and prevent new pimples from forming. Regular, proper cleansing is another step towards a radiant complexion.

How do I clean my face properly?
There are different ways to properly cleanse sensitive facial skin and not all of them work for everyone. Basically, the face should be cleansed morning and evening. The skin regenerates overnight and secretes excess sebum and toxins, which should be removed in the morning. In the evening, makeup, dust and sweat must be removed. For these more stubborn particles, it is recommended to clean the face with a greasy cleanser such as Weleda facial oil. The fat combines with the deposits and can be removed with a cosmetic pad. This method also works for oily skin because the oil is then completely removed. The skin is then cleaned with a normal cleansing product, which actually gets through to the skin and doesn't fail because of the make-up. In the morning, a cleansing product without oil is sufficient, as there are no difficult-to-remove particles to remove. A toner afterwards removes residues of the cleanser and any limescale deposits from hard water, leaving your face radiantly clean.

Would you like a little more? With our high-quality, natural serum examples, your skin also gets the extra care it so urgently needs. Because harmful environmental influences can cause us to age quickly. With natural anti-aging products, this aging process is stopped, the skin is cared for from the inside so that it shines on the outside and gets that special “glow”. Natural cosmetics rely on highly effective plant extracts and do without any synthetic substances such as fragrances, dyes or preservatives, which can irritate the skin and even have a hormonal-altering effect. Instead, gentle oils, minerals and traditional medicinal plants, such as marigold, chamomile and sage, or new ingredients such as the ice plant from South Africa or the acai fruit from Brazil work. The best possible results are brought out of the natural substances using the gentlest possible processes; they end up in cosmetics as oil, fat or extract. The manufacturers rely on organic cultivation and certified wild collections as much as possible. Of course not tested on animals and from small companies that cannot be found in wholesalers.

The subsequent application of cream restores the moisture lost through cleansing to the skin and rebuilds the skin's protective acid mantle. Different skin types need different creams, so the best thing is to find out what your skin needs and then test a few creams to find the ideal cream for you. It is important to consider moisture and fat content separately. For example, there is dry, oily skin that needs a lot of moisture but hardly any additional fat and therefore tolerates creams without fat best. At Oh, you pretty things you will find the right care for every skin type. Whether you have dry, mature or sensitive skin that needs a lot of care, oily, impure or combination skin that needs good but gentle cleansing or enviably normal skin, here you will find what your skin needs to shine.

For Asian women, whose porcelain complexions we have always envied, toner is an indispensable component in the beauty routine. In this country, toner, also known as tonic, facial toner or lotion, has a rather miserable existence in the back rows of our bathroom cupboards. So what properties do the miracle waters have?

1. A toner is an all-rounder: It cleanses the skin, clarifies and refreshes, cools and soothes and protects against germs. Depending on the ingredients, it reduces skin pigment spots and prevents pimples, it balances the pH level and its light texture means it does not weigh down the skin. Most importantly, the toner prepares the skin for subsequent care!

2. When you use a toner, the skin can absorb care ingredients better. It works like a sponge: When dry, it is hard and only slightly absorbent. If it is moist, it becomes soft and much more absorbent. The serum or cream is therefore better absorbed after using the toner and has a more intensive effect. This saves you money because you need a smaller amount of care products.

3. A toner is pure relaxation if you combine it with a mini massage and gently tap it in with circular movements. The blood circulation is stimulated and facial expressions get going again! Even without the massage, it's easy to use: simply apply the toner to the skin with a cotton pad and work it in gently.

If you're still not convinced, do this simple test: Apply your facial care product, with or without toner, to a spot on your forearm. Where is it absorbed immediately and better absorbed? Voila!

When it comes to choosing an eye cream, many people look for a natural and gentle solution. Natural cosmetics offer a good option for taking care of the sensitive skin around the eyes. Our eye cream based on natural cosmetics is formulated with carefully selected natural ingredients that gently and effectively care for the sensitive skin around the eyes. No synthetic fragrances or parabens are used and our manufacturers avoid other harmful chemicals found in traditional eye creams.

Our eye creams are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help reduce fine lines, puffiness and dark circles. The light and fast-absorbing texture quickly absorbs into the skin to hydrate the eye area and give a fresh and radiant look.

A real treasure in skin care - that's why you'll find a large selection here, because they're becoming increasingly popular. Natural cosmetic-based facial oils in particular have gained popularity in recent years as they offer a natural alternative to synthetic ingredients. Our facial oils contain a unique blend of natural oils and extracts specifically developed for the needs of your skin. The formulas are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help hydrate the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. A facial oil is lightweight and absorbs quickly into the skin without leaving a greasy or heavy residue. It is ideal for all skin types, including sensitive or oily, impure skin. The natural ingredients are gentle on the skin and support natural regeneration and healing. Using our natural cosmetics-based facial oils can help promote a radiant and healthy appearance of skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.